Best Deodorant Soap For Women How Do Men And Women Clean And Protect Themselves From Body Odor During The Times When Soaps And Deodorants?

How do men and women clean and protect themselves from body odor during the times when soaps and deodorants? - best deodorant soap for women

werent available?


bmwdrive... said...

It stank. No doubt. The water was rarely too hot, so it usually does not bathe as often. Soap is usually something for the rich, as commonly used water. You can mix the laundry soap from animal fats, but it was still very expensive.

MommaDoo said...

Rios? Lagos? So what?

ebony_31... said...

oh, it's easy for me ... I come from the Caribbean and told us that all the possibilities that people stayed clean long ago ... with water and lemon or bitter orange and deodorant water .. . I helped keep a very fresh for the whole day ....

well this is my story I love to hear what others do not ...

Oh, and to wash her body to make use of sandy beaches, where they bathe

Lady Rhianna said...

If you do not use soap, bathing in lakes, rivers, clean streams, you sweat.

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