Rts Live Tv What Is The Best Martial Art For Street Defense? I Live In The Philippines And These Are The Only Martial Rts:

What is the best martial art for street defense? I live in the Philippines and these are the only martial rts: - rts live tv

I live in a city where danger lurks around the corner.

The only martial arts here in my town are available:

+ Martial (Wushu Sanshu)

+ Muay Thai (MILO)

+ Boxes -> I wrote a long month

+ Karate-do

Arnis + (This is a martial art that uses the premises of two canes for self-defense)

+ Taekwondo

+ Taebo -> I'm not even sure if it really is a martial art .. more like a dance, really.

+ Jiu-Jitsu (But it's too expensive and can not afford to enroll in this class)

Aikido + ---> a month ago, stored for 6 months

+ Mindanao Unified Martial Arts, linear and circular techniques (But the place looks and smells like shit)

I have to defend a friend and my own life. And I am old enough to have a license for a handgun still preserved. You can not afford a firearm.

So, what is the best martial art for use (as above) on the street? Me with no arms and a bully with a knife orTick or a rock?


Apollo said...

May be the best way for you barkada Mo.

Maybe try Tondo survival training.

cs313 said...

Muay Thai is the best in San Shou Kickboxing

Shienara... said...

Lol, ask for martial arts to the streets to defend, but you want a martial art that can kill, not to defend? As a bit of thought is it? The fact is that, apart from potassium, because the leaves to kill the most martial arts do not teach in Mindanao use, to defend too. Have you ever tried to kill someone in a real fight with his own hands? Not as easy as you think. The closest you can get to a safe thing is the bottleneck of Jiu-Jitsu, but it's the last thing I want in the streets of Mindanao, use both hands, a man in a street fight and ignore the rest of the group was the page, not to mention the possibility of a knife or a gun (homemade paltik) hidden in his pocket. My advice is to the other posters have said, to avoid disputes and, where necessary, for everyone to see. If you get stuck, he picks up a stone or something that can be used as a weapon and hold it until you find an opportunity to escape. She did not say what the city where you live, but if you live in Davao, then leave the stMayor Dutert and Reet d3ath squads. Elsewhere, unarmed, and be smart and stay away from the idea of "hot spots" or do what most kids today will receive a stipend or a band to save you, the only other option is Steet ward off gangs. Not guarantee, the study of martial arts that you'll earn street fighting. But if I choose from the list above, I would stay with boxing, arnis and aikido. Boxing, you learn a blow, Arnis, you learn to take the weapons and Aikido teaches how to avoid a fight.

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