Cervix Mucus Right Before Period I'm REALLY Worried. What Could This Cervix Mucus Be?!?

I'm REALLY Worried. What Could This Cervix Mucus Be?!? - cervix mucus right before period

Before my time, I'm usually very wet. This month I am quite dry when I checked my neck with his finger on what Bally CM. No smell, no burning anything serious. Kinda looks wet toilet paper. My time is on 14 March is due.
Also in February, I had my time when it was more than 2:14 b is 2.19 detected then.Then with certainty. My CM was normal. Then I realized, 2.22 pink spots. This lasted until 2.26 (for the day was just brown spots) 2,14-2,19 My time was normal. 2,22-2,26 light period is very light, algos, red-brown, pink, brown.
What is possible?


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